Protecting IT Infrastructure Proactively
“After being a victim of a Ransomware attack, codexIT came in and took the IT Infrastructure at Fraser Eye Care Center to the next level. We are confident that our data is fully secure from future Ransomware and have benefited from smoother clinical flow and a fully HIPAA-compliant operation.”
Comprehensive Approach to Security
For more than 35 years, Fraser Eye Care Center, a multi-office Eye Care practice, has been committed to providing high-quality care and personalized treatment to maintain eye health and improve vision for its patients.
The ability to use the advanced equipment and technology Fraser Eye leverages to ensure its patients get the best care and treatment possible, came to a screeching halt in 2018.
Late that year, Fraser Eye Care Center was a victim of a Ransomware attack, which crippled their IT Infrastructure and the ability to see patients using their EHR software. Their existing IT service provider was unable to recover their systems, so they had no choice but to conduct a full forensic audit involving a professional IT security company and the FBI.
Companies that are victims of Ransomware attacks, often end up shutting their business down, but Fraser Eye was not one of them. As the investigations were wrapping up, Fraser Eye brought in codexIT and its latest AI-based Security Software, state of the art Network Perimeter and Email Protection with full Sandboxing of all network traffic. Partnering with codexIT helped Fraser Eye feel confident that something like this would never happen again.
Intuitive. Thorough. Knowledgeable.
The security landscape has become increasingly sophisticated over the last few years, making it very easy to automate the launch of hundreds of thousands of attacks simultaneously.
Adept Approach. Triple Protection. Proven Results.
codexIT has researched solutions to implement to protect against these and new threats and deploys the two best tools in the fight against malware: AI & Sandboxing. codexIT leveraged two Sandboxing solutions – Perimeter and Email, as well as an AI security software program, to prevent Fraser Eye Care Center from ever experiencing a Ransomware attack again.
codexIT’s email protection program works through Fraser’s email service provider (e.g., Office365, G-Suite, Exchange, etc.). Emails including links and attachments flow to the email service provider’s cloud first and are analyzed. Anything suspicious is sent to a virtual sandbox to execute and observe its behavior, and if it is deemed “not malicious” the message is sent on to the email provider.
codexIT also deploys next generation Firewalls using deep-packet inspection modalities that move beyond port/protocol inspection and blocking. These Firewalls add application-level inspection, intrusion prevention, and leveraging intelligence from outside the Firewall, including sandboxing to detect malicious threats before allowing it to pass beyond the perimeter.
AI-based End Point Security Software is another security solution codexIT is using. This heuristics-based protection program monitors all network traffic, learns what is considered normal and flags any traffic deviating from the norm. The flagged traffic is sandboxed (isolated and executed in a safe environment) and checked before being sent to the intended end point. By not relying on known threats, but instead learning about your unique network, codexIT has built a system to eliminate malicious attacks, especially zero-day exploits.
“We appreciate codexIT’s diligence in taking time to vet solutions to ensure our IT security is both effective and does not interfere with our daily practice operations.”
Free Assessment
Contact us to get a Free Risk Assessment to determine whether your practice is protected from Ransomware.